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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

What Alpha Technologies Is All About

Learn about Alpha Technologies and what drives us to provide excellent customer service day in and day out. 

Mission - Who We Are

“Alpha Technologies provides the insight our customers need that ensures the quality, sustainability, and performance of their materials.”

Vision - What We See

“Build on our past. Excel in the present. Innovate for the future.”

How We Act

In order to achieve our vision, and remain faithful to who we are, we put a lot of value in our actions as individuals and as a group. We believe in:

Customer Success
Customer Success

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes

  • Finding solutions
  • Solving problems
  • Providing value

Keep your commitments and promises. We make a commitment to the highest standards of quality and integrity.

  • Trustworthy
  • Dependable
  • Reliable
  • Honest

Celebrate personal and professional growth.

  • Always learning and growing
  • Value team diversity
  • Finding ways to improve through creativity and critical thinking
One Alpha
One Alpha

Put the team ahead of yourself

  • Teamwork
  • Support
  • Learning from each other
  • Celebrating success
  • working towards a common purpose

Not settling for the status quo

  • Getting better
  • Raising the bar
  • Making a difference in your work
  • Never saying “because that’s how it has always been done.”

Make health, safety and security a top priority

  • Protecting myself and others
  • Identifying risks
  • Speaking up
  • Safety first while ensuring the highest quality standards

Alpha Technologies makes a difference in the value of your materials.

At Alpha, it starts with Scientists & Engineers

Alpha Technologies is a company where rheology scientists and engineers lead the development of advanced testing instruments and software, and global applications support. This is where new ideas and technologies in rubber and polymer testing enables our customers to continuously improve the value of their materials.

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2010

Phil Minor

Firmware Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 1986

Peter Boogaard

Software Engineering Manager 

Joined Alpha Technologies in 1999

Ken Schwenning

Technical Support Lead

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2008

Dung Nguyen

Electrical Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2017

Michele Scacchi

Applications Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2018

Li Wan

Applications Engineer 

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2017

Dilip Dhupia

Applications Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2011

Nicholas Chin

Service Support Lead

Our History

Alpha Technologies began as a company charged with creating science-based solutions to specific rubber and polymer industry problems. Over 60 years later, that’s still the business we’re in.

The Backstory

Our parent company, Monsanto, needed a better way to prove to their  customers that their chemicals would help produce rubber compounds with validated properties for viscosity, cure and other processing specifics. The prevailing technology, also manufactured by Monsanto, was the Oscillating Disc Rheometer (ODR). This was not an easy assignment.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
– Thomas Edison

In the spirit of Thomas Edison, the team of Monsanto scientists and engineers went through multiple iterations over many years before the successful introduction of the Moving Die Rheometer (MDR) – an instrument that could provide more scientific studies including true iso-thermal testing, as well as accommodate automation.

Building on the success of the MDR, Alpha Technologies (having been spun off as a separate company in 1986) raised the bar for rubber and polymer testing again with the invention of the Rubber Process Analyzer (RPA). The RPA is the first instrument able to measure compounds before, during and after cure in a single test. The RPA has enabled compounders, QA and R&D technicians to perform an almost unlimited number of tests on their materials. These tests not only assured the quality of the material, but also gives companies the ability to continuously improve the value of their materials.

Today, Alpha Technologies is the leader in rheology testing instruments, software and application support that makes a difference in the rubber and polymer world. 

Alpha Technologies is a part of the Indicor family of companies.

Indicor is a family of 15 diversified industrial solutions companies. These companies provide specialized, mission-critical products for manufacturers, and a global portfolio of proven, best-in-class companies for shareholders.

Where We've Been

Alpha knows a lot because we’ve seen a lot.

A brief look at our 60+ years in rubber and polymer rheologic testing.

Started as Monsanto Instruments & Equipment as part of Monsanto Rubber Chemicals
Monsanto purchases Hounsfield in the UK to launch new tensile business
R100 introduced
2000 Series Instruments released
T2000 tensile tester introduced
Evaluation of the prototype RPA 2000 at five selected rubber companies
Introduction of the RPA 2000
Carlyle Group acquires Monsanto Instruments & Equipment and renames Alpha Technologies
Alpha Technologies creates the predecessor to the ESR and markets instruments to non-Rubber customers who also test polymers
Alpha Technologies acquires Eclipse software in the Netherlands
Dynisco acquired by Roper
Alpha acquires TechPro
China office opened
First local FSE in Malaysia
First local FSE in Mexico
DGAV released
Alpha acquires Rheotech in India
Launch of Premier MDR
Alpha Technologies moves headquarters to Hudson, Ohio
Introduction of the Premier RPA
First local FSE in Thailand
First local FSE in Brazil
Sub-Zero Technology launched

Where We Are Right Now

Alpha Technologies is trusted by more top tier rubber and polymer manufacturers than any other brand.

25 LOGOS to come

The Name is Familiar

It’s a small world.

The Alpha Technologies name is pretty well known throughout the rubber and polymer industries. One reason is because we are active participants and leaders in virtually all of the industry standards committees and industry associations, including:

ASTM International

(formerly) American Society for Testing and Materials


International Organization for Standarization


National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories


Chinese National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment


Japanese Industrial Standard


Deutsches Institut für Normung

We speak about rheology science and testing at conferences and symposiums. We publish papers. We offer certified training at the Alpha Training Center. If you’re in the rubber and polymer industry, someone you know has probably worked with us. Now is a good time for you to get to know Alpha Technologies.

Advanced Training & Consulting Services

Advanced Training

Alpha is a resource for developing your people to become highly-trained, certified technicians who are able to get the most value from your instruments and software. Alpha training is available at any of our demonstration centers around the globe.

We can also provide on-site training at your plant or R&D facilities.

Alpha Advanced Training can help your people become Masters of Materials.


The next generation of technicians are highly trained in everything but tribal knowledge. And the person who used to know your process better than his own children doesn’t work there anymore. And now you have a problem you haven’t seen before. That’s when the experience of Alpha’s field service and applications engineers come into play. We offer a range of consulting services – either on-site or remote – that can get to the source of the problem and give you the solutions you need. And do it fast.

We’ve been here before. We know where to look. We know what to do.


Work at Alpha Technologies

Alpha Technologies is always looking for rheology and computer scientists and engineers who are committed to pushing the envelope. Who can become part of the Alpha team developing new ideas and capabilities for testing that makes a difference in the rubber and polymer world.

To learn more about Alpha’s opportunities for employment, click here:

Alpha Technologies is always looking for rheology and computer scientists and engineers who are committed to pushing the envelope. Who can become part of the Alpha team developing new ideas and capabilities for testing that makes a difference in the rubber and polymer world.

To learn more about Alpha’s opportunities for employment, click here:

Preview what working at Alpha is like:
Life @ Alpha
The Next Generation

Where Alpha Goes to School

Alpha Technologies is working with colleges and universities worldwide to help them obtain state-of-the-art rheological testing instruments and software, to train the next generation of polymer scientists and engineers. If you are planning a career in polymer sciences, these institutions should be on your short list. 

If you are a college or university interested in participating in our program, please contact us.

Where We Are


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